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Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce

The Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that promotes the development of Chilliwack’s business community.  They are consistently empowering and ensuring that their members are thriving in their local community. The Chamber recognizes the importance of partnership and collaboration, helping all businesses large and small, creating opportunities through networking, events, and advocacy.

CSCL has been a proud member of the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce since July 1st, 2000. The Chamber has proven to be a good community partner and has supported CSCL to further their aspirations of becoming a Centre of Excellence.

Inclusive Employer Award:

The Chamber hosts many events including business training luncheons, networking events and awards banquets such as the Annual Business Excellence Awards Gala. Since 2015, the Chamber collaborated with CSCL to include an Inclusive Employer Award category. This award celebrates community employers who recognize and understand the benefits of inclusion and embrace diversity, giving them a competitive edge and more conducive bottom line. The Chamber has been instrumental in helping employers have paved the way in demonstrating to the province and our country the value and benefits of an inclusive workplace.

Nancy BCCSS Award 2016Click here to read more:
