Individual Rights

All people are created equal in rights, dignity,
and the potential to achieve great things.

Hear what members of the CSCL Community have to say about Individual Rights:

CSCL - Shawn discusses Human Rights


Shawn discusses Rights in Community such as the right to be included in community, the right to good medical care and the right to live in a safe place.

CSCL - Sarah discusses Human Rights

Dignity & Respect

Sarah discusses Rights about Dignity & Respect such as the right to be heard, the right to be treated with respect, the right to have things explained in a way that you can understand and the right to speak for yourself.

CSCL - Irene discusses Human Rights

Personal & Individual

Irene discusses Rights that are Personal & Individual such as the right to celebrate cultural values, the right to communicate in your own way, the right to do things that are personal and individual to you.

CSCL - Kiara discusses Human Rights


Kiara discusses Rights about Privacy such as the right to decide who gets information about you, the right to have your personal information kept private, the right to know what is being written about you and the right to privacy of the body.

CSCL - Katie discusses Human Rights


Katie discusses Rights about Choice such as the right to have opportunities to learn and to work, the right to make choices about things that are important to you, the right to have meaningful relationships, the right to practice the religion of your choice, or not at all; and the right to vote.

Watch the full Individual Rights video:

CSCL believes in a community that welcomes and includes everyone; and supports the universal rights we all share.
The right to live, work and play in our communities; the right to dignity & respect; the right to have personal & individual values; the right to privacy; and the right to make our own choices within the law. In many ways, these rights have created the communities where we live and have become the foundation of our society.
True opportunity requires that we all have equal access to the benefits, burdens and responsibilities of our society regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ability/disability, or other aspects of what we look like or where we come from.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights; but only when the many shapes of personhood are recognized will justice and human rights be possible. CSCL’s vision is for a community that welcomes and includes everyone.

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