As we adjust to living and working in the reality of a worldwide pandemic, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in our safety protocols.
It is easy to become complacent when local cases are seemingly low.
As many expand their “social bubbles” (who would have predicted this would be a new term in 2020?) with a return to some pre-pandemic activities (school, sports, movies, restaurants) the risk of transmission increases.
CSCL continues to urge all individuals and staff to assess their own level of vulnerability and choose their activities accordingly, maintaining all the safety measures that have been proven to break the chain of transmission: vigorous handwashing (sanitizing), wearing a mask when distancing can’t bemaintained, staying home and away from others when you’re not feeling well, and limiting non-essential activities.
Ongoing Pandemic-Related Work at CSCL:Review and updates to our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Exposure Control Plan;Changes to our physical sites (install barriers/dividers, additional hand sanitizing stations, signage); Smaller groupings (fewer faces, bigger spaces) for our Community Inclusion, Employment, Outreach, and Child & Youth Services; Regular Pandemic Influenza Team (PIT) meetings; Virtual networking and shared learning with other community living and social service organizations; Virtual gatherings/meetings (Zoom, Facetime, Microsoft Teams, WebEx)Development of an Emergency Response Team (ERT) in progress; Development of a Transportation Safety Plan.
We continue to follow the guidance of BC’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and especially to “Be kind, be calm, and be safe”.
CSCL is monitoring the COVID-19 coronavirus situation closely, and relying on information from the Provincial Health Services Authority.
If you have questions about COVID-19, please call:
COVID-19 Questions: 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319)
BC HealthLink: Dial 811
Please refer to the BC Centre for Disease Control for steps for prevention.
CSCL has set up a COVID-19 Update page and will add information as it becomes available:
For more information about how CSCL’s services are or may be affected, please contact